Blue Flag Turkey fights marine litter

Notwithstanding the tough year behind us, one of our Blue Flag members, Blue Flag Turkey, has not stopped protecting their beaches. Their work against marine litter in Sardala Bay, Kındılçesme and Şile was recorded and plotted on the European Environment Agency marine litter maps, with the intention to guarantee a cleaner and safer environment for future generations.

2020 has been a year that made us face extraordinary changes in our daily lives. However, issues such as marine litter have not disappeared, and Blue Flag members are here to try to change this situation. As a matter of fact, Blue Flag Turkey has tried its best during the past year for the well being of future generations. The three studies conducted and physical efforts made to fight against marine litter have involved Sardala Bay, Kındılçesme, and Şile.

Research and achievements

The first study was conducted by Marine Litter Monitoring in Sardala Bay in Kocaeli. Kocaeli Municipality, Kandıra county municipality, and Bağırganlı Elementary school students accompanied the study. According to Marine Litter Watch criteria; the study is conducted in 100 metered long coastal areas, and 939 pieces of waste are collected in an hour! 421 cigarette butts, 42 glass bottles, 37 plastic bottle caps,26 food packages, 29 beverage cans, and 17 surgical masks were the most common wastes that have found. 

The second MLW area was the Kındılçesme picnic field, which is located in between two awarded beaches in Kemer, Antalya, on the 3rd of November. This area was no exception and a wide variety of litter was found: 20 plastic bags, 116 cigarette butts, 47 metal caps,7  surgical masks, and 26 pieces of fishnet.

The last study was held in Şile – İstanbul on 27th November. It was held in the area between the Blue Flag awarded beaches and 1 km from the non-award-winning Uzunkum beach. Şile Municipality Deputy Mayor, Soner Berksan Şile Municipality Directorate of Environmental Protection and Control and Survey Project Manager accompanied us during the study. Among all kinds of waste left by picnickers, fluorescent lamps, and bulbs stroke our attention! Out of the 571 pieces of waste we found, 546 were plastic, which was very sad to find out. Also; 120 Polystyrene products,111 plastic caps, 96 shopping bags, beverage bottles, beverage cups, foam sponge, and rope and cord, were the most common wastes we found. In addition to these, we also encountered wastes such as diapers, syringes, lighters, combs, cosmetics, medicine containers, etc.

Blu Flag Turkey’s commitment continues

All the litter was plotted and recorded on European Environment Agency Marine Litter Watch maps. To maintain these areas clean and safe, Bue Flag Turkey is committing to work in these areas 4 times this year. Besides, the collaboration of Blue Flag Turkey with the authorities and the public makes us proud and motivates us to keep raising awareness and protect our beautiful beaches from marine litter.