Travel diary #1: Terry in South Africa

In October 2019, Terry the Turtle, Blue Flag’s #turtlewithoutborders, started a trip around the world to Blue Flag destinations, beginning with South Africa. Boats, marinas and beaches were all top priorities on Terry’s to-do list.

Terry is not an everyday turtle. Terry has been handmade by Moses Rombayi, a South African doll-maker coming from Zimbabwe. Moses’ love for toys guided its desire to own its business and create a unique kind of handmade dolls: thanks to him, an original Blue Flag flag became an amazing turtle!

Follow Blue Flag South Africa Instagram account (@blueflagsouthafrica) and Blue Flag International account (@blueflag_global) to discover Terry’s actions to preserve the beauty of our beaches and oceans.

Blue Flag National Operator in South Africa, WESSA, managed to show Terry as many as it could. Among all of South Africa’s Blue Flag sites, Terry saw:

  • Llandudno Beach in Cape Town, where Terry checked out litter conditions and cleanliness

  • Muizenberg beach - Terry accompanied the Blue Flag team on a beach inspection and took part in Surf Emporium’s Adaptive Surfing Day for children with disabilities

  • Apex Predator - Terry went aboard the Great White Shark Tours boat in Gansbaai

  • False Bay Yacht Club Marina, where Terry approved of the immaculately clean marina as well as the organised recycling bins

  • V&A Waterfront Marina hosted Terry and the WESSA team for this year’s Blue Flag launch. The rest of the WESSA team in South Africa had the pleasure of meeting Terry on this day

  • Dyer Island Conservation Trust, where Terry and the team met two ocean conservationists in Gansbaai and saw more shark tour boats

  • Two Oceans Aquarium allowed Terry to see how fellow marine friends inspire people to protect the oceans

  • Learn to Earn charity - old flags from previous seasons were donated for their sewing courses and Terry came along to see the recycling action

  • Boulders Beach and its penguins welcomed Terry while touring the Cape Peninsula

  • Jeffrey’s Bay Recycling Project, where Terry helped sort out the trash and show how important waste reduction and recycling are

Time will tell which country Terry will visit next!