Blue Flag Knowledge hub // June 2022
In this Knowledge HUB page, the Blue Flag International team has collected some capacity-building and learning opportunities to attend webinars and courses on topics related to FEE´s GAIA 20:30 strategy. Icons will mark which goals the events promoted on the page are relevant for. The knowledge hub will be promoted every month with a new selection of handpicked events, so make sure to check them out!
Feel free to recommend events, webinars and more by sending an email to and
Education for post-carbon green economies
Webinar series
April to November 2022 // 12:30 (CET)
The speakers discuss structural transformation towards post-carbon green economies and a 1.5-degree lifestyle, as well as how knowledge, skills, values and actions relevant to economic transition can be integrated into education policies and curricula.
The webinar is part of the “Climate change education for social transformation” series. The series of webinars is co-organized by UNESCO and UNFCCC. Click here for further information and for registration.
Education for Sustainable Development in Biosphere Reserves and other Designated Areas: A Resource Book for Educators
Resources and materials
Developed by UNESCO, this material aims to improve the capacities of trainers to design and implement innovative and authentic educational projects, in BRs and other designated areas, thereby using them as “ESD laboratories.” The material specifically targets all those involved in implementing awareness-raising programmes in the field, within the formal or non-formal education systems. Click here to access the publication.
The first Part focuses on key ecological principles and concepts, as well as on contemporary sustainable development challenges. The second Part presents ESD concepts, methods and ideas, tailored-made to the particularities of South Eastern European and Mediterranean areas.
GAIA 20:30 Biodiversity course
Online course (MOOC)
Developed on FEE Academy, this online course is aimed at providing competences and knowledge around biodiversity. Learning objectives include:
Understanding the concept of ecosystem and ecosystem services;
Identifying the main global biodiversity threats;
Acting against pollinators declines and propagation of invasive species;
Drawing inspiration from ecosystem restoration initiatives and best practices from the FEE network.
Click here to read more about the online course and to enrol (please, be aware that to access course information you will need to register or login with your FEE Academy credentials).